Since preparations for the new growing season in the Northern Hemisphere are well under way, it is a good opportunity to discuss TRAPVIEW, the automated trap system, and get ready for the season. Trapview allows growers to easily and remotely monitor the pest insect situation in their fields and react smarter.

It can be used effortlessly and intuitively: after the automated trap is placed in the field, the grower can remotely monitor the pest insect situation through the PANTHEON Farming IT system and can be alerted when the number of insects reaches the economic threshold level.

PANTHEON Farming synchronizes pest catch data from Trapview so these data can be included in pest analysis, pesticide efficiency systems and decision support systems.


By monitoring pest catch developement, PANTHEON Farming allows you to predict critical pest catch and propose the ideal time to spray against pests. For instance, on 15 July 2015, the highest number of Codling Moths were caught on our apples.


As seen on photo above a pest threshold has been exceeded. The best time for spraying with developement inhibitors would be in the next 5-7 days, when egg laying is expected to be the most intensive.

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