Referral Farms | Serbia
Farm Harmonic
“PANTHEON Farming covers all our activities, which include crop farming, animal husbandry, growing vegetables, poultry farming, etc., and any associated accounting needs.”
Vesna Krstevski, farmer

Farmers from the Harmonic Farm in Obrež, Serbia
What kind of farm do you have and what is your main activity?
We have an organic farm, where our main activities consist of crop farming, animal husbandry and poultry farming.
How big is your farm, how many people work there and how long has it existed?
There’s 5 of us with 30 ha of land and we’ve been in the business for more than 3 years.
Where do you sell your products? How do you market them?
We prepare what we grow in our restaurant and we sell our products by word of mouth.
What differentiates you from farms with similar activities? What makes you special?
We’re an organic farm and our specialties include eggs and cured products made out of indigenous pig breeds.
Why did you decide to buy PANTHEON Farming?
Mainly because PANTHEON Farming covers all our activities, which include crop farming, animal husbandry, growing vegetables, poultry farming, etc., and any associated accounting needs.
What kind of benefits did you expect of the program (e.g. less time spent entering data and making reports, farm and cost overview, higher efficiency, control over pesticide and fertilizer usage, tracking, etc.)?
To what extent did it meet your expectations?
Not yet completely, but it’s getting there.
Would you recommend PANTHEON Farming to others? Why?
Yes, because I think that PANTHEON Farming is a comprehensive program.